Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Dratmoor revisited

Having waited a week for the weather to tidy itself up ('summer' 2008 will be remembered)...

Went for it. Anton, a French student who is staying in our village had expressed a keen interest in going for a ride on the moor. So I decided to just get weathered.

Actually it was fun, not cold and it didn't rain for the first hour or so. The picture shows a bit of our route that was described as 'this is a potential mudbath' which it was.

Later on the water was a little higher up the leg. Here's Anton crossing. I'm standing about halfway across.
The route was a good introduction to Dartmoor, it climbs out of the village of Postbridge gently (muddy) drops over the shoulder of the hill (fordy) then dives north through farm land, and suddenly you're climbing a high valley. There's a fabulous rocky singletrack descent and then through forest to the roasd, through some bridle paths and back to the start.

1 comment:

Betty G said...

Write more! I like this.